Become a Member, Volunteer, or Donate
Become a memberThe annual membership fee is $15 (and it's tax-deductible).
VolunteerLend a hand with our annual Earth Day trail maintenance and ivy removel or join us on a planting day in the fall.
Serve on the FFC BoardJoin our Board of Directors or serve on a committee to lend your ideas and energy.
Get updates by emailStay up-to-date on Fox and Nice creek restoration progress, volunteer opportunities and meeting announcements. Contact FFC using the email address below. DonateYou can make a tax-deductible donation by sending a check to "Friends of Fox Creek"
Friends of Fox CreekPO Box 1630Rainier, OR 97048
We appreciate your support!
VolunteerLend a hand with our annual Earth Day trail maintenance and ivy removel or join us on a planting day in the fall.
Serve on the FFC BoardJoin our Board of Directors or serve on a committee to lend your ideas and energy.
Get updates by emailStay up-to-date on Fox and Nice creek restoration progress, volunteer opportunities and meeting announcements. Contact FFC using the email address below. DonateYou can make a tax-deductible donation by sending a check to "Friends of Fox Creek"
Friends of Fox CreekPO Box 1630Rainier, OR 97048
We appreciate your support!
FFC Annual Meeting Wednesday, February 19, 2025
FFC Annual Meeting